7. Go back into All
Packages (in the Installer)
and install these programs:
Community Sources - after adding this, hit Home button, then
come back to Installer to continue
SummerBoard (not Summerboard
OLD) after doing this, hit Home button
and then come back into Installer
Volume Boost (1.1.4)
iApp-a-Day refreshing sources on this may take a while..
be patient
8. Go back
into your iPhone's (Settings>General)
and set your Auto Lock back to something other
than Never |
9. I suggest
adding these repositories of programs to your Installer program
- click Sources then
Edit then Add -
type in the name (be sure that the iphone
doesn't change any of your letters before you click OK) ,
add each repository seperately. Click Done when you are
I recommend adding these:
http://intelliborn.com/repo (this is ...b o r n ... not b o
http://touchmods.net/rep.xml |
10. If you are installing programs and get an error message,
you may need to
try to install it again (the server might be down). However,
there is a bug in the
installer program and when you try to install a program
after getting an error message you will need to clear the cache
(or the message will keep popping up even if you are installing
a 'valid program' - just watch for clear cache and 'clear'
it .. you can't hurt anything and this will most likely help
11. Questions? Email me and
I’ll do my best to help
you out.